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Flicker-free full-spectrum lighting for autism?
We have been reading that flicker-free and full-spectrum lighting might help with autism. What would you recommend?
We currently do not have any internal data or testing to verify this, and our lamps are neither approved nor marketed for treating any medical conditions or disorders.
On the other hand, there are several published studies which have linked stroboscopic flicker to autistic behavior, along with a range of other symptoms such as seizures, fatigue, eye strain. Flicker-free lighting may be an effective approach to reduce or eliminate the amount of flicker present in an indoor space and assist in promoting a healthier lighting environment.
The link between full-spectrum lighting and autism appears to be less established. Full spectrum lighting is a relatively vague marketing term, but the general idea behind it would suggest that a full-spectrum lamp provides a light spectrum that better approximates natural daylight. As such, the use of high CRI lamps (a better way to quantify "fullness spectrum") may be an effective way to introduce lighting that more closely resembles natural daylight, especially during daytime hours.
Waveform Lighting offers both flicker-free and 95 CRI LED lamps which may be an excellent options to consider. See below for our CENTRIC DAYLIGHT products, which can be used in a variety of residential or commercial (as well as classrooms and offices) locations:
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Full spectrumFlicker freeHealth (Epilepsy, migraines, headaches)
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