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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / LED bulbs (General) / Does Full Spectrum Flicker-Free A19 LED Bulb Emit High Levels of EMF?
Does Full Spectrum Flicker-Free A19 LED Bulb Emit High Levels of EMF?
LED lights are known to emit high levels of EMFs and also produce dirty electricity. Can you tell me more about this regarding these light bulbs? https://store.waveformlighting.com/products/centric-daylight-full-spectrum-flicker-free-a19-10w-led-bulb
We do not have any EMF measurements on our lighting products at this time. We can verify that they are flicker-free, however, with a flicker % of less than 2%.
So you mean to tell me someone can call something "flicker free" even though it still has a flicker?
The official threshold for our flicker-free products is 2%. In actual tests, our flicker % is at 0%. For example, see below:
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LED bulbs (General)A19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent)Flicker free
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