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Reducing the Visible Light Output of realUV LED Light
I was hoping the 365nm realUV product would be somewhat invisible to the human eye considering the extra expense. It casts less visible light than some other products I've purchased in the past, but it is still bright enough to cast shadows in a dark room. Can I dim the LEDs somehow or is there a product with less spread into the visible spectrum?
Unfortunately, we currently do not have a way of reducing the visible light output as this is a part of the small residual amount of visible wavelength energy that "leaks" beyond the threshold of UV wavelengths.
A LED strip dimmer may significantly help reduce the amount of overall brightness. While this will certainly help reduce the amount of visible light, this will also unfortunately reduce the amount of UV output as well. If, however, you are seeing that you can accept a lower amount of UV energy, this may indeed be a great workaround solution for your situation.
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LED dimmersUV-A LED strip lights
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