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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / UV-A floodlights / Do you have a UV 365 nm flood light that will meet a 1000 mW/cm2 minimum of 14 inches?
Do you have a UV 365 nm flood light that will meet a 1000 mW/cm2 minimum of 14 inches?
Do you have a UV 365 nm flood light that will meet a 1000 mW/cm2 minimum of 14 inches? Can I achieve this using multiple LED UV 365nm strip rows?
I've just reviewed our UV irradiance pattern for our UV flood light, and it looks like we are at approximately 0.65 mW/cm2 at 12 inches away. As such, we are more than 3 orders of magnitude below your required 1000 mW/cm2 and we would therefore recommend a different solution for your needs.
Our UV LED strip lights are at similar irradiance levels (0.23 mW/cm2) so even if you were to use multiple rows, you will, unfortunately, fall well short of the requirements.
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UV-A floodlights
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