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UV Lighting in creating a transition scene from daylight to nighttime
I am creating a transition scene from daylight to nighttime for a museum. I am using luminescent paint for the nighttime scene (the wall is 21'L x 11'H and the wall will roll into the ceiling another 4 feet. Please specify the product I should use and the cost.
If you were able to utilize track lighting, we might recommend three units of the 365nm realUV™ LED Flood Lights, as each is able to illuminate an area that is roughly 10x10 ft. The 365nm output is able to offer a better fluorescent effect than the 395nm, and the lights are easy to install thanks to the included mounting bracket.
That said, please note that these products were not designed to be compatible with controlled lighting systems. As such, it may be difficult to remotely schedule or control the output based on the transition timing.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to utilize wall washing, or canvas-oriented LED strip lights, you may also be interested in the 365nm realUV™ LED Strip Lights. These lights can be configured in a number of ways, and are compatible with third-party dimmers and controllers. Generally speaking, we recommend one dedicated power supply per full reel.
In case it proves to be helpful, we have attached an installation diagram link below.
LayoutMaps™ - LED Strip Light Layout 7021_4C
Upon review of the 365nm LED strip light irradiance pattern, you will notice that there is an increasing drop in irradiance density the further the subject is from the light source. As such, you may find that the interior of the canvas requires special light adjustment, or potentially a supplemental and directional UV light source, in order to adequately illuminate the night scene in the installation.
So the flood lights are not dimmable at all? only ON/OFF? Do you have IES files for both products? Do you have recommended foot-candles on surface to produce best results?
We can confirm that the UV floodlight products do not contain in-line controls, and can only be turned on and off through wall power. That said, one customer left a review on the product page informing us that they overcame this by using a third-party remote control.
Further, we currently do not have IES files for the product. We apologize!
As ultraviolet irradiance is measured by µW/cm² rather than the lux of visible spectrum light products, it is difficult to know what the optimal output would be for your installation. That said, the product page includes several irradiance charts. Below is a blog post from our website which reviews the measurement and calculation of UV-A irradiance.
Understanding UV-A Irradiance, and Requirements for Various Applications: https://www.waveformlighting.com/tech/understanding-uv-irradiance-and-requirements-for-various-applications
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UV-A LED strip lights
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