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Replacing fluorescent lighting for art studio
We have an art studio which currently uses fluorescent lighting. I'm doing research on what to replace those with. I see that you have non-flicker LED tubes that fit into fluorescent fixtures.
However if I'm understanding correctly, these will flicker if put into the old fluorescent fixture?
Not necessarily. The lamps we designed are guaranteed to be flicker-free when used in a fluorescent fixture without a fluorescent ballast. The lamps can be used with existing fluorescent ballasts, but the flicker-rate would then depend on the fluorescent ballast and therefore we would no longer be able to guarantee flicker-free operation.
Also I'm not sure what the difference is between 4000, 5000 or 6500K? What would best match for what is currently being used?
The difference between 4000K, 5000K and 6500K refers to the color temperature. The best match would depend on what color temperature rating was used prior. Generally, 5000K and 6500K are the best options for an art studio.
Please see below for additional links that should help clarify:
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T8 LED tube lightsArt studio lighting
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