Lumen Estimation Calculator
Knowing how many lamps you need to adequately illuminate a room or space can be tricky. In addition to the size of the space, a variety of factors, such as the activities being conducted and wall reflectance can also play a role. Our calculator provides rough estimates for your lighting needs as well as recommendations on the types and quantity of lamps needed to achieve the brightness levels.

What are the dimensions of the space?
Estimate the total square footage of the space, by inputting the length and width of the space. If the space is non-rectangular, estimate the equivalent rectangular dimensions.
Width of room, in linear feet | |
Length of room, in linear feet | |
Ceiling height, in linear feet |
600 square feet, 8 foot ceilings
What are your brightness needs?
Brightness needs will depend the activity or work being performed in the space, as well as personal preference. Input your brightness needs, in footcandles:
100 fc: Fine manufacturing & industrial
80 fc: Artwork (creation) 60 fc: Bathrooms & Makeup 50 fc: Kitchen prep areas 40 fc: Office Spaces, Classrooms, Retail, Dining Areas 30 fc: Simple manufacturing & industrial 20 fc: Living Rooms, Artwork (illumination), Warehouse / Storage 10 fc: Bedrooms, Residential hallways |
20 footcandles
What color are your walls?
The reflectance of your walls will also play a role in the total amount of lighting needed. Spaces with walls of lighter colors will require less light.
Select wall color:Reflectance: 94%
12,376 lumens