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Centric Daylight vs Northlux
Which 95 CRI T8 LED Tube light is better? We are filming videos. Our other studio lights are 5500K but I am thinking the 5000K can work. They would be replacing the current ceiling lights which are quite warm. I was interested in the flicker-free Centric but the Northlux is advertised as studio lighting. Are there potential flicker issues with the Northlux?
Our NorthLux T8 LED tube lights should work quite well for your needs! They are also flicker-free but not listed as such, since flicker is generally not a concern for most of our visual arts studio customers.
On the other hand, we completely understand the concerns you have concerning flicker and on-camera use. As such, as an additional layer of assurance of flicker-free performance, we would recommend installing these lamps in a ballast-bypass configuration so that any flicker or other interference from electronic ballasts is not introduced into the light output stream.
We also do find that many TV/cinematography lighting systems are calibrated to 5500K / 5600K, however, the NorthLux 5000K should be a similar match, and the 95 CRI color accuracy should be a great fit for the film.
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T8 LED tube lightsFluorescent replacementsD50 (printing, digitizing)Flicker freeVideo & cinematography
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