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LED Bulbs Products for Color Control in Photography
I photograph (multi-shot/PS stitched) original art and maps for large-format reproduction. Have you gotten any feedback on the best product, bulb, or strip for better color control? I have fabricated light fixtures in the past and would appreciate advice on recommended reflector specs.
Based on the details provided, there are a few products that we might recommend.
For example, in the event that you were to utilize traditional E26 lamp fixtures, we might recommend the D50 5000K A19 LED Bulb for Color Matching (ISO3664:2000) product.
However, if you were hoping to utilize traditional tube light fixtures, we might recommend the D50 5000K T8 LED Tube Lights for Color Matching (ISO3664:2000) product.
For more information regarding the D50 standard, this article from our website might prove to be useful:
Question posted under:
T8 LED tube lightsA19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent)Color matchingD50 (printing, digitizing)
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