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LED Lighting Suggestion for Photography
I am looking for an equivalent of 50 W bulb D65 to screw in (for a dim room lighting 8'x13'x8'), another one around 75-80 W D50 also to screw into my desk lamp to hard proof my prints, and another one of around 3700K also for prints evaluation.
While we, unfortunately, do not offer D65 bulbs that would into traditional lamp fixtures, we do offer the D65 ABSOLUTE SERIES™ LED Linear Module product, which might be an alternative depending on your installation.
We also offer the D50 5000K A19 LED Bulb for Color Matching (ISO3664:2000) product, as well as the D50 5000K T8 LED Tube Lights for Color Matching (ISO3664:2000) product, which may also be worth consideration. However, these D50 calibrated products are currently only available in the 5000K color temperature.
If I understand correctly, your lights are “full spectrum” eg 6500 K seems to be not far away from D65. Would it be wrong, if my display is on D65, to use one of your bulbs for my ambient light? centric? Northlux? Ultrahigh 95 jewelry? Avian? I do not see any difference between them except that one of them is Flickr-free but same price.
If this does not work (800 lm could be too bright), and those LED are not dimmable without any further installation, another option could be bias lighting. I have an NEC PA302W: it is a 27.1 x 18 monitor on a stand. Should I use the sidewinder reels? How many? I understand a portion of 24” horizontally, and half of a foot on both sides with 1 reel. Will it be OK like that? Will it be necessary to use a dimmer? I have a black curtain on my window, so it is pretty dark when the door is closed.
We're happy to confirm that the majority of our products are indeed a full spectrum.
Further, we can also confirm many of our products are quite similar. If you have a specific set of products in mind to compare, I would be more than happy to explain the differences between them.
Regarding bias lighting, the Sidewinder™ LED Flex Strip for D65 Bias Lighting product could be a great option for your space.
Based on the measurements provided of your monitor, we recommend two 3.2 ft (1 meter) units of the Sidewinder™ LED Flex Strip product to wrap the back of the display in lighting, depending on the layout that you choose for installation.
This product can also be paired with a dimmer, in the event the level of the emitted light is too bright for all use cases. We recommend pairing this product with the 24V DC power supply, as well as the FilmGrade™ Flicker-Free LED Dimmer product.
I am looking for a D65 bulb for the ceiling but that will be probably too bright as ambient light and this will send some light directly to my computer screen. Moreover, they are non-dimmable or necessitate an installation too complex for me. Anyway, there is a bulb over there, and I will choose one which is adapted; I am a photographer. Flicker-free?
1. What is the difference between the lights?
Based on the details that have been provided of your space, the A19 bulb that I would primarily recommend would be the 6500K NorthLux™ 95 CRI E26 A19 LED Bulb for Art & Studio product, which was designed to be D65 Illuminant-compliant. This means that the product strictly aligns with a global standard designed for color work. However, please note that while many of our A19 bulbs are flicker-free, none of the A19 bulbs previously mentioned are dimmable. As such, these products may not be beneficial for your space.
That being said, we can confirm that some products are indeed the same item, such as the CENTRIC DAYLIGHT™ A19, as well as the Ultra High 95 CRI A19 bulb. This can be noted by the shared product number, listed as PN 4005.65. This is also true for some other products that we offer.
We do apologize for any confusion which may have arisen, as these products appear on multiple pages for marketing purposes.
2. How to connect the 2 strips: daisy chain? connectors?
We're happy to confirm that the Sidewinder™ LED Flex Strip product is designed with plugs on each end of the reel, which allows for the product to be daisy-chained together without additional hardware. I have attached a photo of the product, which may prove to be helpful. That being said, please note that a compatible 24V DC power supply, such as our FilmGrade™ DC Power Supply for LED Strip product, would still be required.
3. What do you mean about “depending on the layout you choose for the installation”?
We do apologize for any confusion caused by my wording. Some bias lighting is installed as one horizontal strip behind the monitor. If this was the installation that you would prefer, we might recommend one unit of the Sidewinder product.
Alternatively, we have seen other bias lighting installed as three strips of lighting. Two vertical strips are applied to the back of the monitor parallel to the sides, and one horizontal strip is applied to the back of the monitor which runs parallel to the top. If this is the installation that you would prefer, we might recommend two units of the Sidewinder product.
Question posted under:
LED bulbs (General)LED strip lightsA19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent)D65 (digital arts and graphics)
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