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Flicker-free T8 LED Tube Lights Recommendations
I have a small motorcycle repair shop and replaced all my fluorescent bulbs in 2017 with Kobi Electric T8-F4-1540-RMV K6P2 LED T8 Rewire 15W 1800lm frosted 4ft tubes.
The light output was superior to the old tubes, and I was very happy with them until recently. I noticed I was getting eye strain to the point where I started wearing a cap, and then I started getting a "car-sick" feeling shortly after I entered the shop.
You have many tubes to choose from, and the CENTRIC DAYLIGHT Full Spectrum Flicker-Free T8 LED Tube Light looks to be what I'm looking for, but I wanted to confirm this and am open to other suggestions.
Based on the details provided, it seems that our full-spectrum flicker-free T8 LED Tube Lights would be a great option for reducing the eyestrain in your repair shop. For your industrial installation, we would recommend the 5000K CENTRIC DAYLIGHT™ Full Spectrum Flicker-Free T8 LED Tube Lights.
In the hopes that it proves to be helpful for your installation planning, please note that the ballasts found in most fluorescent fixtures are not compatible with the power requirements of our LED T8 Tube Lights.
As such, we would recommend checking the compatibility sheet to ensure functionality. If the ballast within the fixture is not listed, we then recommend rewiring the fixture for a ballast-bypass direct connection so that they operate without issue. When T8 LED Tube Lights are used with incompatible ballasts, they may encounter issues that will void the warranty.
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