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Recommendation for Full-Spectrum Bird Room Lighting
I breed birds, primarily finches, in a 12' x'20' room with 8-ft. ceilings. Currently, the room is lit by two 4-ft. 2-tube LED ceiling-mounted fixtures which are hard-wired on a single circuit controlled by a wall switch/timer. I want to switch to full-spectrum lighting and it looks like your channel-enclosed strip lighting is a good option. Need help in making the right selections, preferably from someone familiar with birds.
Our LED products sound like a great fit for your space, and we look forward to working with you to help improve the lighting in your space, particularly concerning avian health.
Generally, our approach to avian lighting is to recommend lighting that best matches natural daylight at a spectral level, as that is typically what birds expect and need from a lighting perspective.
For your installation, we would have to recommend our flicker-free full-spectrum LED tube lights. Our CENTRIC DAYLIGHT LED tube lights feature 95 CRI and can be used in existing 4-ft fixtures, and maybe a great way to immediately convert the lighting in your space to flicker-free and full spectrum lighting, without any need for extensive fixture reconfiguration.
Please see our product link below:
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Full spectrumAnimals and pets
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