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Absolute Series LED Linear Module in the Overhead Panel Fixture
I am trying to figure out how to build an overhead panel with these strips for a small proofing area. 4x8 table. Do you sell empty fixtures that could hang overhead for this application or maybe a suggestion?
The proposed installation of the ABSOLUTE SERIES LED modules in the overhead panel fixture sounds like a great fit. Unfortunately, we do not have any specific solutions or kits that would be a direct solution, so you may need to do a bit of designing and assembly work to put this together.
Another approach using the ABSOLUTE SERIES LEDs that is very popular is to use the LED flex strip versions, as these can be cut to length to exactly the size of any panel. We've included the link below:
Our LayoutMap for the UV LED strip light, which is electrically very similar to the ABSOLUTE SERIES LED flex strips, can be found at the link below and may be helpful in designing an array-like installation.
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