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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / LED strip lights / Aluminum channel and diffuser for FiveSpect 5-in-1 LED Strip Lights
Aluminum channel and diffuser for FiveSpect 5-in-1 LED Strip Lights
I want to embed your FiveSpect in an epoxy resin pour table. First, is it correct to assume that if I were to somehow epoxy enough channel/diffuser together to cover the seven foot length of the table that this now single channel would be no guarantee against seepage of the resin into the channel and onto the strip? It'd be an expensive strip to destroy. If that assumption is correct, what would you think about my extending the diffuser channel outside the end of the table during the pour, then using a jigsaw to cut off the end thereafter? Correct to assume there'd be enough additional end caps to seal it at the cut?
As we have not performed any tests for how well insulated the aluminum channels would be against a resin or epoxy, we would not be able to ensure that the channels would be protected against either.
As a secondary consideration, the intended installation would likely make the replacement of any malfunctioning LED strip light segments more difficult. Further, please note that the channel end-caps are not designed to be water-tight or insulating.
That being said, there might be third-party channels available from a company such as Klus Design that could work for your installation. Though we have not personally tested their products, we have been informed by other customers that they have found recent success in using them.
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