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Diffusers' effect on LED strip light output
I'm very interested in your range of high-CRI LED strip lights. For my application, I will also need diffusers to "soften" the light, but I'm concerned about color quality (color shift / CRI reduction) due to absorption or filtering of the diffuser. What can you suggest?
You are correct that poly-carbonate and acrylic diffusers do tend to alter the light spectrum. In our experience, however, most diffusers and plastics will absorb the light in a "full-spectrum" fashion in which energy attenuation occurs across the entire spectrum. As a result, while light intensity may be reduced, there is no significant loss in light quality.
If you are working with a very narrow tolerance color requirement (e.g. D50), diffusers may cause enough color shift to be of concern; otherwise, the magnitude of color shift is generally acceptable. Our tests show that generally, daylight color temperatures can be reduced by approximately 200-500K, depending on the diffuser.
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