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Dimming and Wire Size of LED Strip Lights
I just ordered four rolls of LED Centric Daylight 24V strip lights and have a couple of questions. I will be connecting each 4-foot segment back to the TRIAC dimmer/transformer individually. Every 4-foot segment is a home run to the transformer. The longest run this perhaps 25 feet. Is it okay to use 18 gauge wire for these 4' segments? My second question is: when I dim these strips, do I lose energy/lighting efficiency?" Does the CRI remain constant?
Due to the use of PWM, we would not expect any loss in efficiency as the LED strip is dimmed. There may be minor differences in the efficiency of the LED power supply, though we expect it to be negligible.
By using our voltage drop calculator, it appears that using 18 gauge wire for a 24V installation with a 25 ft maximum expanse of wire between the power supply and 4 ft lengths of LED Strip Light product would produce roughly 0.067V voltage drop. As such, we believe that using 18 gauge wiring would not cause a substantial change to the output.
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