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LED Flex Strip Bend Limit and Direction
I purchased your 99 CRI flex strip and wanted to install them in a 4x5" box. I need to snake it back and forth along the bottom, bending/looping at the end of each row to start the next row. What is the bend limit and safest bend direction?
We can confirm that our ABSOLUTE SERIES™ LED Flexible Strips have a minimum bend radius for the LED strip lights is 1.6 inches.
As an alternative, we would likely recommend utilizing the Solderless Connector for Single Color LED Strip (PN 3071) product for connecting the segments of ABSOLUTE SERIES™ LED Flexible Strips. This product will reduce the strain on the joints and solder pads when bent, thereby reducing the potential for accidental damage. This product will also ensure that the installation is more easily able to lay flat on the surface.
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LED strip lights
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