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What is the power consumption of the LED Strip lights?
This article (link below) from your support center is very helpful and validates my understanding, as I am pretty good in general with electrical. So I am good on the power supply selection criteria, but I also want to understand the power consumption in Watts @ 120 VAC and the hit to my power bill. If I am recalling my basic electrical theory correctly, a Watt is a unit of consumption, and essentially a Watt is a Watt, and 24w @12 VDC would still equate to 24w @ 120 VAC, but at a much lesser amperage, which would be 0.2A in this case. Of course, there may be some loss due to the 120V to 12V power supply but assuming this is negligible, it would still be a 24W power draw on my home electrical bill, I believe.
We can confirm that an installation at 120 VAC would draw about 12 watts or .02 amps, whereas an installation at 12 VDC will draw about 24 watts or 2 amps. As such, the latter would have a higher draw than the former.
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LED strip lights
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