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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / T8 LED tube lights / Is the 1800-lumen of T8 LED Tube for one lamp?
Is the 1800-lumen of T8 LED Tube for one lamp?
I need to know that 1800 lumens output using 18W power consumption is meant for 1 pc, or 4 pcs. / LED tube No rthLux ™ 95 CRI T8 for Art & Studio. I need lighting for an art studio measuring 3m x 4m ceiling height of 2.8m. What do you recommend?
The 1800-lumen measurement is for one lamp.
I plugged the dimensions of your art studio space (converted to feet: 10 x 13 x 9 ft) and received a result of 10,589 lumens as the recommended brightness for your space.
Since each of the 4-ft lamps emits 1800 lumens, you will want approximately 6 lamps to provide sufficient brightness.
Using just four lamps would provide you with 7200 lumens, which will be an acceptable level of brightness for most tasks, but perhaps for more visually intensive tasks, you may want to increase the brightness as our calculator tool suggests.
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T8 LED tube lights
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