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Over what wavelength range does the light output for the 365nm LED?
I'm a little confused by the spectrum test report for the 365nm LEDs. Over what wavelength range does the light output?
Our 365 nm UV LEDs have a peak wavelength value of 365 nm. The FWHM is approximately +/-10 nm, which indicates that there is a significant amount of UV output between 355 and 375 nm.
The "TYPICAL EMISSION SPECTRUM" charts are shown on our product specifications page below.
Do you have a bigger vision of the typical emission spectrum?
Also, I have seen FWHM listed sometimes as a number, rather than as a ±. For example, we have a light filter with an FWHM of 16nm. Is that equivalent to ±8nm?
Unfortunately, the LED strip lights are flexible only in an up/down direction and cannot be curved to create turns to the left or right as shown in your diagram. The closest alternative would be to use our solderless connectors to create U-turns at the end of each LED strip section.
Using the solderless connectors, can we place the side of the strip by side? Or is there a thermal limitation for how closely the strips can be placed?
While the LED strips do warm up a bit during operation, their proximity to each other should not have any significant effect on their longevity or reliability.
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UncategorizedLED strip lights
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