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What frequency of light do your UV LED Flood lights operate at?
I am running a UV crayon grade mark reader. It is an enclosed cabinet with a video camera feed that reads fluorescent crayon marks that are manually put on the boards to determine lumber grade and trim marks. I am currently using 2 "UV" LED flood lights, but they emit far too much visible violet light. My software needs to pick up only the fluorescence of the crayon marks so this is an ongoing problem. What frequency of light do your LED lights operate at? I have control over the shutter speed of my video feed but have noticed in the past that the wrong frequency will cause the fluorescent brightness to fade in and out.
While we can confirm that our realUV™ LED Flood Lights operate at 50-60Hz, it would be helpful for our troubleshooting to know whether your installation utilizes the 395nm or 365nm version of the product.
For reference, the 365nm version will not emit nearly as much visible output as the 395nm, as it is further from the visible spectrum. This version of the product is able to produce the greatest fluorescent effect upon targeted subjects, which is why we would likely recommend changing to the 365nm option if not already in use. We have attached a blog post regarding the topic below:
What is the Difference Between 365 nm and 395 nm UV LED Lights?
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UV-A floodlightsUltraviolet (fluorescence, blacklights)
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