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LED Bulbs for Avian Lighting
We are a large wildlife rehabilitation organization. We have several large indoor rehab rooms that we house many species from songbirds to doves to raptors. I would like to know if you have tubes vs. bulbs.
We are happy to confirm that we have several avian products available in our catalog, such as the Avian Full Spectrum E26 BR30 LED Bulb for Birds and the Avian Full Spectrum E26 A19 LED Bulb for Birds.
Though not specifically marketed for avian installations, we also have the 6500K CENTRIC DAYLIGHT™ Full Spectrum Flicker-Free T8 LED Tube Lights available which utilize the same full spectrum high CRI LED technology.
While our T8 LED Tube Lights are compatible with some ballasts used within fluorescent fixtures, it might be helpful to know that the ballast bypass process illustrated within the user guide can be used to make any T8 fixture compatible. As an alternative, you may also be interested in our LED Ready T8 Fixtures, which would not require any rewiring for compatibility.
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T8 LED tube lightsA19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent)BR30 BulbsAnimals and pets
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