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What size and type of reflector and socket you'd recommend for BR30 bulbs?
I am curious about what size and type of reflector and socket you'd recommend for these BR30 lights.
Though we do not have any specific reflectors or sockets that would recommend, it might be helpful to know that our BR30 lights are compatible with all standard E26 base fixtures.
For example, would something like this work? Is that too much voltage or not enough?
Based on our review, it appears that the fixture provided would be useable with our BR30 lights as they are compatible with 120V AC, 50-60 Hz input. As such, we would not expect that any operational issues would occur when using our lights with this fixture.
I would like to figure out the ideal lighting setup for a wall in my painting studio. Currently, it's recessed in, creating a drop shadow in the top part of the wall. I am trying to figure out if I should get BR30 lights to direct from both sides (using a traditional reflector with light stands) OR mount the T8 LEDs below the recessed ceiling.
Regarding your painting studio setup, supplemental lighting from either the sides or below would be a great way to mitigate the issues with the drop shadow caused by the overhang.
As mentioned, the BR30 lamps have an E26 base and are compatible with reflector lamps such as the one linked below. These lamps on a light stand could work well for your needs.
Our A19 lamps, installed in standard floor lamp fixtures might also be an effective way to increase brightness in the studio area.
Alternatively, you may also want to consider our T5 linear fixtures, which can be mounted along the sides or even on the overhang itself. These light fixtures have the added benefit of being semi-portable when used with the magnet mounts; they can also be permanently fixed into the ceiling and wall locations using the screw mounts.
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Art studio lightingT5 linear fixturesBR30 BulbsCeiling Fixtures
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