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Can I hardwire the LED Shop Lights to the ceiling?
Would an electrician be able to ‘hardwire’ the Shop Lights to the ceiling replacing the regular ceiling light? I’m trying to figure out how to change the light over my work table without having cords hanging from the ceiling.
The shop lights are unfortunately not designed to be hard-wired and modifying the product is not recommended and would result in voiding the warranty.
From a purely electrical standpoint, however, the fixture could be configured to be connected directly to the wiring in your ceiling/walls and would operate without any performance issues. We would recommend consulting with your electrician as well as fire and safety regulators for further guidance.
As an alternative, we would perhaps suggest installing ceiling fixtures that can house our T8 lamps, which can be used to provide the same level of light quality as shop lights.
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Ceiling FixturesFluorescent replacementsLED shop lights
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