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What's the difference between Centric, Northlux, and D50 T8 LED Tube Lights
I'm looking to retrofit an entire building and have several questions, is this form the easiest way to ask? What's the difference between Centric, Northlux, and D50, particularly when I can get the "same" part number from each product: 4025.50?
As a starting point, we can confirm that the T8 LED Tube Lights are identical products that are provided with unique landing pages for marketing purposes, which is why they use the shared part number. As such, identical output can be expected from the 5000K color point of each listing, and we do apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
As a further note, it might be helpful to know that not all ballasts within fluorescent fixtures are among our compatibility list. If they are not, we recommend following the instructions within the user manual to bypass the ballast for direct-wire power.
We alternatively sell our own line of T8 LED Fixtures which are compatible with LED power requirements and would not require any rewiring or ballast bypass for operation.
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T8 LED tube lightsLED-ready T8 Fixtures
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