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5000K Lighting for Oil Painting Studio
I just found your website and would like to purchase an LED tube light for my oil painting studio, but noticed that your NorthLux™ 95 CRI LED Shop Light Fixture is sold out until 2-1-21. This sounds like the best option for me, but could you recommend an alternative? I'm noticing that you have T8 bulbs that would work with a regular fluorescent fixture. Could you point me to a fixture that would work well with these bulbs? Or is the NorthLux™ 95 CRI LED Shop Light Fixture a much better solution because of the diffuser and the integrated LED tubes? I'm interested in 5000K, but maybe you could suggest why I would want to go to 6500K?
We can confirm that our LED Shop Light Fixture is a great option for your lighting needs. You may take advantage of our 30-day return policy if you would like to try the product in your studio.
We can also confirm that our T8 LED tube light products can be utilized in any existing T8 fixture, though we do recommend installing these products within fixtures that do not utilize ballast or bypass the ballast entirely. More information about these installation types can be found on our T8 product specification sheet, which I have linked below.
Specification sheet link: https://www.waveformlighting.com/datasheets/UM_4020.pdf
We also have a terrific article on our website which describes the differences between 5000K and 6500K in detail, which might prove to be useful in your planning.
Difference Between 5000K and 6500K Bulbs: https://www.waveformlighting.com/art-painting/difference-between-5000k-and-6500k-bulbs
Do you sell 5000K light bulbs for track lighting? See attached image. I probably need to get you some sort of code off the bulb itself. See attached image.
Based off of the photo that was shared, it appears that the lights within your track system are BR30 bulbs.
We're happy to confirm that we sell the 5000K Full Spectrum E26 BR30 LED Bulb products, which are often installed within similar track lighting systems. This product also features compatibility with dimmers.
Question posted under:
T8 LED tube lightsArt studio lightingBR30 BulbsLED shop lightsD50 (printing, digitizing)
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