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PAR30 Bulbs for Residential and Photo Lighting
I have (6) 5" halo lights in my kitchen that I'd like to get some PAR30 bulbs for but I'm having trouble deciding on the best color temperature for the space. I'm concerned that 3000K will be too warm and wanted to get your recommendation. I'd really like to talk to someone about options because I have several different projects I'm working on beyond the kitchen and want to see what our options are.
While we do not have PAR30 products available, it might be helpful to know that we offer the 3000K Ultra High 95 CRI E26 BR30 LED Bulb for Home & Residential, which utilizes the same base and input voltage as PAR30 lights.
If you would like to try our 3000K Ultra High 95 CRI E26 BR30 LED Bulb for Home & Residential in your kitchen, please note that we have a 30-day return policy. If any items from your orders wind up being unneeded, let us know and we will gladly provide you with a prepaid return label.
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Home / residential lightingBR30 BulbsCeiling FixturesKitchen lighting
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